Thursday, November 8, 2018

Top 6 Basic Marketing Tips to Create Traction in Twitter

Twitter has emerged as one of the leading social media platforms in the last decade and today no business can ignore it when it comes to digital marketing. Due to its unique features which include a tweet limit of 280 characters, marketing for twitter is quite different as compared to other social media platforms.

Many businesses struggle with Twitter marketing due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is their lack of a Twitter marketing strategy and an inability to optimize a Twitter campaign. In this article, I will share some tips that can help you in formulating and executing an effective Twitter marketing strategy.

Identify your target audience

Identifying your Target Audience is the first step you do before you can lay out your strategy. Knowing who you are going to target is crucial and must be properly identified. Buyer personas can help you in defining your target audience.

Set up goals

Twitter marketing, like any other form of marketing, is most effective when you have well-defined goals such as increasing website visitors, lead generation or increasing your sales and profit. So, you must have well-defined goals even before you start your campaign.

Integrate Twitter within your overall digital marketing plan

Many marketers fail to integrate their efforts on Twitter within their overall digital marketing plan. This often results from a lack of understanding because only few realize that Twitter marketing works best when it’s part of a wider marketing push to increase your brand’s visibility.

Research competition

Not knowing what your competitors are up to can bring you a great disadvantage.  This is because knowing what your competitors are doing is a crucial part of well-defined marketing strategy. You should come up with a list of your competitors and closely study their Twitter profiles.  Find out what type of content they are posting, the frequency of their updates and study other important information which may be crucial to your own campaign.

Use tools to automate the process

With the arrival of modern marketing tools, you can now automate whatever social media activity you want to do such as posting in Twitter and even following people who are more likely to follow you back. You can use them to help you boost lead generation, analyze your competition, find industry influencers, edit and add images to your tweets, manage who you follow, and a lot more.

Have a complete Twitter profile that stands out from your competition

Having a complete Twitter profile is essential because users may not pay you attention if it has no bio or profile image. It’s also a good idea to get verified by Twitter because once your account is verified, a small blue “verified” check mark will be displayed next to your account name. This signals to users that they can trust your content.


These are some of the basic yet useful tips that can help you create a traction in Twitter.  Equipping yourself with these knowledge can guide you in running a more efficient Twitter marketing campaign.  Good luck!

Sources and references:

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How to use Twitter to Boost Your Website Traffic

Twitter is one of the most popular social media networks which has become almost essential for online marketing today. Many businesses have generated targeted traffic from Twitter, which in turn has boosted their sales and profit. Still, many small business owners are clueless how to generate traffic to their website from Twitter.

So, I’ve decided to share some tips on how to use Twitter to boost your website traffic in this article. Here are some tips which can help you get targeted traffic from Twitter without much effort and money.


Twitter was the first platform that popularized hashtags almost a decade ago, and then later also adopted by other social media platforms.

Hashtags make your tweet discoverable and are essential for generating traffic to your site from Twitter. Try to use relevant hashtags with your tweets.  It’s a good practice to use your primary keywords as hashtags.

You must also be careful about overusing hashtags as research indicates that tweets with one or two hashtags tend to get more clicks than those which have multiple hashtags. So, don’t overdo this and try to keep the number of hashtags in each tweet limited to two or three.  A high number of hashtags confuse the readers and increase the chances that they won’t engage with the tweet.

Targeted Twitter Ads

You can also take advantage of targeted Twitter ads to increase your website traffic. Twitter allows you to run your own ads and their Ads program is quite similar to the advertising programs run by other social media networks such as Facebook. Twitter Ads have a unique feature which allows you to target users on your email list.

All you need to do is to upload your existing email list to Twitter and then Twitter will match these email ids with their own database and show your ads to your existing email list subscribers. This ensures high conversion rates for your ads as you are essentially targeting your existing subscribers.

Use Visual Content such as image and infographics

Most people know Twitter for 140-character tweets, and it’s not considered a visual platform. This may have been true a decade ago, but now Twitter is equipped with quite advanced visual capabilities and you can take advantage of them by using visual content such as images, videos, and infographics in your tweets.

Create Viral Content

Viral content such as listicles and how- to articles are good for social media as they offer a solution to a problem or tips on a subject and have a high chance of becoming viral on the internet. Good and attractive headlines also play an important role in Twitter, as there is a limit to the length of the tweet that you can share to your followers. So, try to create viral content and use attractive headlines in your tweets as these help you drive more traffic to your website.

Use an intriguing quote from a post

Using an intriguing quote from an article or blog post which can arouse the interest of the readers is another tactic which has been used by marketers for decades.  An intriguing quote offers a glimpse of what your content is all about to your Twitter readers and compels them to read the full article by clicking the link in your tweet.


These tips allow you to use Twitter boosting your website traffic. They are quite easy to follow, and you can start seeing the results within a few days or hours.

Please note that these are just basic tips.  There are several other popular methods in generating traffic from Twitter which we can discuss in the future.


Sources and References:


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

6 Tips in Setting up Your Very First Twitter Ad

The Twitterverse is a unique ad environment, and is worth getting familiar with before you run your very first ad campaign.

A great first step, if you are not really familiar on how to run a Twitter ad, is to google recent ad examples and take note on what works and what doesn’t.

Twitter advertising is moving forward quickly and it’s important that you are one step ahead so that you won’t be left out by your competitors.

6 Useful Tips in Setting up Your First Twitter Ad

Here are the things you need to keep in mind if you are planning to advertise your product or brand in Twitter.

1. Once you’re clear on your ad concept, be ready to work with motion. 

Twitter insiders say that video ads are considerably more effective than plain images.  The ideal video length for viewer engagement according to Twitter researchers, is 6 seconds.

2. If you don’t have someone in-house to put your vision together, the work can be easily and affordably outsourced. 

Prices start from as little as $5 on sites like Fiverr, and go up from there, depending on unique content requirements and the time that goes into production.  Upwork and other online talent sites can also be a great way to find media talent.

3. Make sure your video is just as effective without sound as it is with. 

A very high percentage of online videos are viewed with sound off. This means if you want the best possible impact, the visual must be effective at conveying your message with audio off.

4. When you set up your ad, remove unnecessary hashtags. 

Hashtags can be useful if your focus is engagement, however, if your goal is to encourage people to follow your account, or visit your website, the presence of hashtags can increase the chance of people clicking on them, taking them away from your call to action, and losing their attention.

5. Targeting is one of the most important aspects of your ad to get right from the outset.  

If you can accurately nail down who sees it, you can maximize engagement.  However, failing to do this part may display your ad to disinterested audiences, reducing its impact and relevancy.

If you want to attract new audiences, targeting by interests and followers is best.  If you’re looking for users with potential product interest, targeting by keywords gives you a smaller but more qualified audience.

6. Testing is critical to success. Experiment with several campaigns for product or service you are selling.

This allows you to identify and isolate precisely what strategies work for you, and eliminate those strategies that do not.

Continuous testing and review should be the cornerstone of ad management as you progress with Twitter. 

A/B testing is a very powerful way of establishing a knowledge base of what works and what doesn’t.  This simply shows variants of an ad to your audience.  You can then compare which ad generates more outcomes; keep the one that’s effective, or refine it further, and ditch the one that’s not.

Knowing these tips help you prepare and learn the basics in setting up your very first ad in Twitter.  Keep these always in mind so that you can run your first Twitter ad properly and effectively.  Good luck!

Sources and References:

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

My Top 3 Social Media Management Tools for Twitter

Managing and growing your Twitter account is time consuming.  How much more if you are managing multiple accounts? Good thing there are good social media management tools that are quite reliable when it comes to organizing, managing, and scheduling your tweets. 

But, how can you determine if a specific tool is the right fit for your Twitter management needs?
To help you out, here are the top Twitter Management tools that I’ve used in the past and up to the present.  These are the ones that made it to the top of my list.

1. HootSuite

This one is my original favorite.  HootSuite is definitely one of the most popular social media management tools for Twitter, not just because of its user-friendly interface, but because of its dynamic features that make managing and scheduling tweets a breeze.

Schedule your tweets ahead of time and manage multiple Twitter accounts in one place.  If you are not yet convinced to subscribe, you can use their free account with limited features and access.

2. AgoraPulse

This one is my newest favorite.  I really didn’t expect that I would like this one.  Compared to HootSuite, this one has more advanced features and their analytics report is one of the best out there.

AgoraPulse also has a FREE Trial for those who want to experience first their service before going for the premium account.

What makes AgoraPulse better than HootSuite is, it has the feature wherein you can receive private messages from your followers and reply directly to them.  Their post editor also has emojis which makes tweeting more fun.

3. TweetDeck

TweetDeck is good for monitoring tweets and trends.  It is also a good management tool if you are aiming to grow your followers.

You can add as many columns as you want depending on the Twitter content you want to monitor and analyze.  They also offer a free account for those who can’t decide yet to go for premium.

If you are not tech savvy and it’s your first time to use a social media management tool, you can go for HootSuite first.  It’s really very easy to use.

If you want more flexibility and more advanced features, go for AgoraPulse.  It is definitely my go-to tool these days and it never disappoints.

Lastly, if you are closely monitoring your mentions and tweets about your brand, TweetDeck is the ideal tool for you.  You can use it to follow relevant accounts that are also more likely to follow you back. 

Whichever tool you may use, make sure you try it out first by using their FREE trial option.  This is important so that you can determine which one really fits your needs.  Good luck!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Top 17 Twitter Statistics in 2018 Every Small Business Owner Should Know

In my last two blog posts, I wrote about the reasons why you should try Twitter Advertising and how Twitter can help you expand your brand’s presence.  Although each blog post features the advantages of using Twitter to market your business online, they still lack the facts and numbers to prove how effective it is as a social media marketing tool for small business.

In this blog post, let’s curate the most important Twitter statistics that can give you better understanding why many small businesses and brands are leveraging from the social media power of this popular micro-blogging platform.

Top Twitter Statistics in 2018 Small Business Owners Should Know

These facts and figures should help you get a more in depth knowledge about Twitter and can guide you on how you can use it as part of your social media marketing strategy.

User Stats

1. As of July 2018, there were already 336 million monthly active users in Twitter.
2. There were approximately 157 million daily active users in Twitter.
3. Each Twitter account has an average of 707 followers.
4. In the US alone, Twitter has 68 million monthly active users.
5. Pew Research reported that 37% of Twitter users have ages 18 to 29 and 25% are 30-49 years old.
6.  It is reported that 92% of world leaders are active in Twitter.
7. According to Statista, 80% of Twitter users access the microblogging site using their mobile devices.

Business Facts

1. Of the surveyed small and medium businesses, 85% revealed that Twitter is important for businesses because it helps provide customer service.
2. Twitter revealed that 41% of their users purchased product after being exposed to an ad in the last 30 days.
3. According to a research, 93% of Twitter users who follow SMEs have plan to purchase from them.
4. The number of people tweets reach each month on third party properties are 1.67 billion.
5. According to Twitter, in the US alone, their quarterly advertising revenue reaches $293 million.
6. As of the latest available report, there are 130,000 active Twitter advertisers.
7. Venture Beat reported in 2015 that 86% of Twitter’s revenue comes from mobile.
8. Hubspot revealed that 29% of offline sales increase is attributed to Promoted tweets.
9. Twitter’s ad platform is available to over 200 countries and territories.
10. There were 65.8% of U.S. companies that use Twitter for marketing purposes.

Now that you have these important statistics, you can now decide if Twitter is the ideal social networking platform to promote your brand and grow your business.

If the facts and figures you are looking for are not mentioned above, you may check my two recent articles (How Twitter Can Expand Your Brand's Presence?, Why You Should Try Twitter 
Advertising?) to find more.

You may also visit this blog post.  It outlines the specific benefits if you use Twitter to market your business locally.  Good luck!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Why You Should Try Twitter Advertising?

In my previous blog post, we talk about how Twitter can help you expand your brand’s presence and mentioned that you can use their Promoted Tweet ad to help you reach out to those target audience who haven’t heard about your brand yet. 

In this article, we’ll delve in deeper why you should try Twitter Advertising and what are the benefits and advantages you can get if you will.

So, what is Twitter Advertising?

There are actually three types of Twitter ads, they are:

1. Promoted Tweets - As mentioned in my previous blog post, these are tweets that are shown to relevant users and are marked as “Promoted”.  They only appear to Twitter users whose interests are relevant to that of the brand who paid for their placement.

For example, if your brand is selling a social media management tool, your tweet will only appear to those users whose work is related to Social Media or those ones who tagged themselves as social media enthusiasts.

Your promoted tweet will appear on relevant search results, search results for a promoted trends, home timelines, user profiles, and official Twitter clients.

2. Promoted Accounts – These are accounts (your brand included) which Twitter can suggest to their users to follow.  For example, if a user show interest in baking and pastries, Twitter can suggest to him an account he can follow to get updated with the latest baking and pastry recipes.

Promoted Accounts main goal is to increase follower count to boost a brand’s visibility.  This kind of ad is displayed in various locations in Twitter such as in home timeline, who to follow section, and search results.

3. Promoted Trends – These are actually ad in the form of a hashtag.  For example, if you are a social media company that want to trend you hashtag #CompanySocMedToolLaunch, Twitter will place this on top of the daily trends and labeled it as Promoted.

All those who click on your Promoted Trend can see all search results about the tweets others are tweeting about your social media tool launching.

You can run a campaign for each ad type by going here.

Benefits of Running Twitter Ads

If you think your organic strategy is not working well, you can always try Twitter ads if your budget would allow you.

According to a survey, 72% U.S. marketers are confident in their ability to convert with Twitter video.  This is may be because according to another study, 67% of Twitter users said that they don’t find Promoted Video Tweets intrusive, they even find it informative.

Another advantage of Twitter Advertising is that their costs are decreasing.  According to Twitter’s quarterly report, cost per engagement has decreased by 54% year-over-year in the 3rd quarter of 2017.

However, engagement is increasing.  Twitter revealed that overall ad engagements increased by 99% year-over-year in the 3rd quarter of 2017.  They believe that it is driven by a consistent mix shift toward video ads impressions.  Further, they think this this is also the result of higher CTR rates across all ad formats on a like-for-like basis.

Another benefit is that Promoted Accounts help your Twitter users connect with brands they haven’t heard of before.  This allows you to reach out to those prospects who haven’t discovered yet your brand.

Lastly, the ads you run can help you influence your target audience’s buying decision.  According to Twitter’s data, 41% of those users who were exposed to an ad in the last 30 days, purchase the product promoted in that ad.

Final Thoughts

If growing your Twitter organically is difficult and doesn’t give you great results and conversions, may be it is high time your try their advertising features.  You can choose the best type that suit’s your needs and then evaluate your progress if it works for you or not.

Also, with all the benefits and advantages that you can gain in running an ad campaign, you will be able to learn more on what works better or works less in marketing your brand in Twitter.

Sources and References:

Friday, August 3, 2018

Social Media for Small Business: How Twitter Can Expand Your Brand's Presence?

Are you still contemplating if you need to build a presence for your brand in Twitter? The hesitation may come from the fact that the micro networking site seems really dynamic and everyone always has an opinion about anything.

You may have feared your brand getting criticized and be put in a bad spotlight and you don’t have the maneuvering skills to control or manage it. 

If this is the only reason why you are having second thoughts in creating your business page in Twitter, then it’s more important now than ever that you create one.


Because even if you don’t have a Twitter page, there are still people who are going to say negative things about your business and when you are not in there to officially defend your position, it could look worse from an outsider’s perspective.

Also, one of the main reasons why a lot of businesses are building their presence in Twitter is because it hugely help them expand their brand’s presence and reach out to new audiences.

How Twitter Can Help You Expand Your Brand’s Presence?

With an estimated monthly active users of around 335 million in the second quarter of this year, Twitter is among the top social networking sites worldwide wherein any businesses have the chance to expand their brand’s presence. So, how do you do it?

Here are 3 tips on how to expand your brand’s presence in Twitter which can help improve your traffic, and, ultimately bring in conversions or sales.

1. Reach Out to Influencers

Influencers in Twitter, especially those who actually use your product or subscribe to your services are the best ones that can help you amplify and expand your brand’s presence.

For example, you ask the help of influencers in the launching of the improved version of your reading app. You can give them the official hashtag which they can use when they review and tweet about it.

Your influencers should be book authors or famous book bloggers who have large number of followers.  Once they review and tweet about your app, there’s a high chance their followers will chime in and from there, your hashtag can potentially trend on top of Twitter’s top 10 and get the most engagement and views.

This can lead to high possibility of getting more downloads and in-app purchases for your reading app.

2. Conduct a Contest

If you have just started in Twitter and you need to boost the number of your followers, then conducting a contest can help you increase your following numbers.

The contest can be about who can create the most romantic short love story that you will feature in your reading app.  The winner will get a monetary reward and will be featured as one of your app’s rising authors.

In this contest, you are pointing your focus to your target audience, letting them join in (follow you in Twitter) and experience how it is to become part of your brand.  The rest follow through and before you know it, your followers are increasing as well as your presence and reach in Twitter.

3. Use Promoted Tweet

You can also try to gain wider attention and higher engagement for your content using Twitter’s Promoted Tweet.

Promoted Tweets are just ordinary tweets but instead of just appearing normally on your page and followers’ timeline, they appear on top of the top 10 trends and on other relevant parts of Twitter.  

Here’s how you can get started in promoting your tweet.

Final Thoughts

There are so many opportunities that you can’t just miss out in Twitter. 

Getting the hang of it and familiarizing how its portability fuels engagement among its users can help you figure out how you can use it to build highly engaged followers.  This can help expand your brand’s presence and improve your leads as well as increase your conversions. 

Sources and References: