Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How to use Twitter to Boost Your Website Traffic

Twitter is one of the most popular social media networks which has become almost essential for online marketing today. Many businesses have generated targeted traffic from Twitter, which in turn has boosted their sales and profit. Still, many small business owners are clueless how to generate traffic to their website from Twitter.

So, I’ve decided to share some tips on how to use Twitter to boost your website traffic in this article. Here are some tips which can help you get targeted traffic from Twitter without much effort and money.


Twitter was the first platform that popularized hashtags almost a decade ago, and then later also adopted by other social media platforms.

Hashtags make your tweet discoverable and are essential for generating traffic to your site from Twitter. Try to use relevant hashtags with your tweets.  It’s a good practice to use your primary keywords as hashtags.

You must also be careful about overusing hashtags as research indicates that tweets with one or two hashtags tend to get more clicks than those which have multiple hashtags. So, don’t overdo this and try to keep the number of hashtags in each tweet limited to two or three.  A high number of hashtags confuse the readers and increase the chances that they won’t engage with the tweet.

Targeted Twitter Ads

You can also take advantage of targeted Twitter ads to increase your website traffic. Twitter allows you to run your own ads and their Ads program is quite similar to the advertising programs run by other social media networks such as Facebook. Twitter Ads have a unique feature which allows you to target users on your email list.

All you need to do is to upload your existing email list to Twitter and then Twitter will match these email ids with their own database and show your ads to your existing email list subscribers. This ensures high conversion rates for your ads as you are essentially targeting your existing subscribers.

Use Visual Content such as image and infographics

Most people know Twitter for 140-character tweets, and it’s not considered a visual platform. This may have been true a decade ago, but now Twitter is equipped with quite advanced visual capabilities and you can take advantage of them by using visual content such as images, videos, and infographics in your tweets.

Create Viral Content

Viral content such as listicles and how- to articles are good for social media as they offer a solution to a problem or tips on a subject and have a high chance of becoming viral on the internet. Good and attractive headlines also play an important role in Twitter, as there is a limit to the length of the tweet that you can share to your followers. So, try to create viral content and use attractive headlines in your tweets as these help you drive more traffic to your website.

Use an intriguing quote from a post

Using an intriguing quote from an article or blog post which can arouse the interest of the readers is another tactic which has been used by marketers for decades.  An intriguing quote offers a glimpse of what your content is all about to your Twitter readers and compels them to read the full article by clicking the link in your tweet.


These tips allow you to use Twitter boosting your website traffic. They are quite easy to follow, and you can start seeing the results within a few days or hours.

Please note that these are just basic tips.  There are several other popular methods in generating traffic from Twitter which we can discuss in the future.


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